Get Involved today!
Please, get in touch, get trained, and become a part of the solution. You can use this link to join our list and learn about upcoming training in your area. If you don’t see activity coming up, help us pull one together. We need 10-15 people willing to make a difference, and we can make it happen.

Join our Docuteam!
A Docuteam member responds to folks calling the Colorado Rapid Response Network Hotline who would like to share a testimony of a past ICE incident. A Docuteam member is trained to document past ICE incidents or other testimonies related to state agencies' abuses or Police-ICE collaborations. Depending on the nature of the case, the Docuteam member may sometimes play different roles, such as helping the family get connected with community accompaniment or other legal resources available in their area. Docuteam members are not legal experts or social services agents; instead, they serve by documenting the testimony and are a connector between the family and the more significant support community. Docuteam members also have the opportunity to be part of a network that helps connect hotline testimonies to current campaigns and legislative efforts aiming to protect the rights of immigrant families in Colorado. Docuteam members meet monthly on a statewide call to stay connected and updated with ICE activity resistance efforts in Colorado.